A Message of Hope

Inspiration Tuesday – May 2020

A Message of Hope – Variety Pack

Now that some of us are entering our third or forth month of social isolation. No end is relatively close… I know its beginning to effect me I can only imagine how you are all doing. 

I think now is a fitting time to share the inspiration behind my greeting cards “A Message of Hope” I think we could all use a little right now. 

So for Inspiration Tuesday, and to commemorate that spring has finally arrived in Alberta lets get started.

Origins of the Idea

Quite a few years ago now I recall first having the idea in a dream. That eventually led me down an avenue of creativity that resulted in a few concept sketches, some are pretty terrible. I even got this idea for a children’s story about a child who was afraid of the dark and a bird lighting the way. It is a long term goal of mine to illustrate that story. I’m just not confident enough in my writing skills to rely on just myself for plot, and development, etc. I will collaborate with a writer eventually, when I have the funds to pay them fairly.  

Anyway I’m getting off track.

Adding Stars

I started to fill my sketchbooks with ideas. It wasn’t long until I found myself in the realm of surrealism. Probably one of my favourite areas to explore. I ended up landed on birds holding stars on a string. 

A rare look into my sketchbook.

I made a few paintings with this theme in the past, and they keep showing up in my current work. You can find them in “Summer Stars” showing the bear he isn’t lost. 

Most recently I illustrated a pair of chickadees for some old oval frames I owned. They have since sold.

I actually think they arrive in my artwork when I need to feel hope the most. When I was painting summer stars I was experiencing what I perceived as a large failure in my life. The duo came during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis. 

What does this symbolize

Light, represents hope. Whether it’s the sunrise, or the first star you see each evening. Even throughout different religions. It comes back to the same meaning. It consistently represents hope.

Lets take this a little further. Everyone knows this little poem;

Star light, star bright.

First star I see tonight.

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have this wish I wish tonight.

The first star represents a wish. Each bird carries a single star. Meaning a single wish of hope. 

Wait there’s more! And it involves you.

Say you send one of these cards to a loved one. When they receive that card you have successfully sent them a wish of hope.

Call me traditional but wouldn’t now be an incredible time to get back into the art of writing letters or poems?

We can’t see anyone in person right now anyway, what a better way to tell them you’re thinking of them. Our postal services are still an essential service. Lets do something unique, and thoughtful with something hand written.

Stay Creative

Justin Erickson

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